Three Questions with Paula Paggi

Welcome Paula Paggi to the Dala team!

Before joining Dala, Paula worked as a television news producer, before moving to the PR side and working for DART, the State Fair of Texas, and Dallas Theater Center.

What was your very first job? 

I worked at Borders Books (may it rest in peace). I discovered all sorts of books and authors I hadn’t been exposed to, learned about customer service, and I also learned how to make espresso drinks in their café - I make a mean hazelnut latte.  

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be? 

Coding. I think it’d be amazing to know how to build and maintain websites. I know they’re teaching it to young kids these days, and I think that’s great and wish I’d had that opportunity in school.

What makes a good story? 

People make a good story. That sounds obvious, but it really is the case. A lot of people think they’re boring, but everyone has a story to tell. I love getting to hear people tell their stories and sharing those stories with others.  





Four Questions With Brenda Franco